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NO GAPS Training

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25 hours

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Provide professionals with methodologies and tools so that they can help migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers to develop the entrepreneurial self-employment and business creation skills. By doing so, they will promote their social and labour inclusion.





Upon completion of this unit the learner will be able to:






Group sessions with professional working with young migrant women, refugees or asylum seekers.  

Developing entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial skills of young migrant women, refugees or asylum seekers


Proposing the beneficiaries, a business plan considering the learning objectives developed in the unit.


Creating a social project through the different tools, skills and knowledge acquired during the unit.


Guiding young migrant women in the application of tools and methodologies in problem solving and planning strategies.


  • To define a problem
  • To relate different problems
  • To name the different assertive communication techniques presented
  • To describe the five steps of the “Problem Solving circle”
  • To define “entrepreneurship”
  • To list the different entrepreneurship dimensions
  • To recognise bad and good team work behaviour
  • To list different steps on an activity plan
  • To select resources



  • To identify and analyses a problem situation
  • To identify causes and effects of a problem
  • To apply the SWAT methodology and Critical Incidents Analysis Technique to themselves
  • To apply the “assertive communication style” to solve a problem
  • To analyse the urgent/importance of an activity
  • To draw up a Logical Framework Matrix
  • To prepare a team meeting
  • To use concepts related to “entrepreneurship”
  • To transfer knowledge to migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers
  • To collaborate with others
  • To decide on alternatives
  • To contribute with ideas/solutions to a problem
  • To manage aggressive conflict situations
  • To be responsible for own decisions.
  • To negotiate with others through different negotiation techniques
  • To take the initiative to create a plan
  • To decide on solutions
  • To ensure effective methodological approaches to promote social and labour inclusion of women migrant, refugees and asylum seekers through entrepreneurial skills






• IT equipment: computers, software, projector

• Office and materials 

• Internet



Entrepreneurship competences requires knowing that there are different opportunities and context for turning ideas into action in personal, social and professional activities. To develop this skill, it is important to understand how to plan and manage projects, how to solve problems through strategic thinking, how to collaborate with teams, as well as to communicate effectively and negotiate with others.


Face to face learning

 16 hours 

Online learning

6 hours 


3 hours  


Sub-unit 1

1. Title of the sub-unit: PROBLEM SOLVING

Total duration: 12,5 hours

2. Objectives of the sub-unit:

  • To favour the understanding of the concepts “problem” and “conflict” within the labour field.
  • To develop the assertive communicative skills of the participants for an effective problem solving.
  • To empower the application of tools and methodologies for an effective problem solving
  • To develop skills and methodologies related with negotiation in the labour framework.
  • To develop transference skills to favour entrepreneurial skills, self-employment and business creation of migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers.


3. Content

1. Communication Tools for Problem Solving

During this unit, contents related to "Conflicts", "Conflict Resolution", "personal resources" or "external resources" will be presented, in order to favour the competences of the participants for the “Problem Solving” and “Conflict Resolution” in interpersonal and labour conflict situations. It is important to pay attention to the concept of "assertive communication", as a fundamental tool for conflict resolution in the workplace, recruitment processes, selection processes, job promotion, or job maintenance.

“Assertive Communication” importance will be explained, for an effective interpersonal conflict resolution approach. The “Assertive Communication” is understood as an ability to express positive and negative ideas and feeling in an open and direct way, allowing participant to take responsibility for themselves and their actions without judging or blaming other people. This communicative style should be differenced of the “Aggressive communicative style” and “Passive communicative style”, pointing out the importance of “Respect” and “Empathy”. Also, “verbal” and “non-verbal” communication will be explained.

To empower the participants through this communicative style, they will receive knowledge about the different “assertive communicative tools”, giving them a description and real examples:

  • “I – message”. Vs. “You – message”
  • “Active Listening”: clarification, paraphrase, synthesis, empathy
  • Scratched disk
  • Fog bank
  • Validation
  • Positive reinforcement

2. Critical Incidents Analysis Technique and SWOT methodology.

The Critical Incidents Analysis Technique, as well as the SWOT methodology are great tools that can be used for analysing the critical incidents for a better resolution; as well as the personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for problem solving.

3. Problem Solving Circle.

Also, it is important to understand the “Problem Solving circle”, in which 5 fundamental steps for problem solving are described.

a) Define the problem: it is important to identify and define the problem, considering the existing data and the information available. Through a careful analysis of the information, the participant will be able to identify the problem or the needs for the problem solving.

b) Brainstorm solutions: the second step is to research the problem as fully as possible and to explore possible problem-solving strategies.

c) Pick a solution: goal setting is the third step, and crucial to reach the objective strategy.

d) Implement the solution: the next step consists in deciding the option considered as the best of all options available.

e) Review the result: after reaching the solution, the last step is to evaluate the result to determine if it is the best solution for the problem.

4. Negotiation Techniques for Problem Solving.

It is important to understand the concept of negotiation, different characteristics of "effective negotiator", negotiation techniques and attitudes and skills for effective negotiation in problem solving.

4. Resources:

  1. Powerpoint presentation
  2. Whiteboard + whiteboards markets
  3. Computer
  4. Computer projector
  5. White paper
  6. Pens and pencils
  7. Audio-visual materials:

14 effective Conflict Resolution Techniques:

  1. Classroom (30 square meters)
  2. 20 tables and chairs


5. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this earning unit the learner will be able to:



Autonomy and Responsibility

  • To define a problem
  • To relate different problems
  • To name the different assertive communication techniques presented
  • To describe the five steps of the “Problem Solving circle”


  • To identify and analyses a problem situation
  • To identify causes and effects of a problem
  • To apply the SWAT methodology and Critical Incidents Analysis Technique to themselves
  • To apply the “assertive communication style” to solve a problem


  • To collaborate with others
  • To decide on alternatives
  • To contribute with ideas/solutions to a problem
  • To manage aggressive conflict situations
  • To be responsible for own decisions.
  • To negotiate with others through different negotiation techniques




6. Methodological approach

In order to develop the unit effectively, and encouraging the participation and acquisition of knowledge by professionals working with young women migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; the following techniques and methodologies described below will be used:

Ice breakers: before starting to develop the different contents exposed during the unit, different ice breakers will be carried out to facilitate group cohesion and participation. This is an important point, that professionals working with young women migrant, refugees and asylum seekers should consider.

The participants will be organized in heterogeneous groups (between 6 and 8 people), encouraging cooperative learning. This methodology favours group collaboration and teamwork during the presentation of the proposed theoretical and practical contents.

During the session, the contents will be worked from a theoretical and practical framework, jointly. This helps not only to internalize the knowledge, but also to put it into practice during the sessions that are developed in the unit. Among the practical techniques:

  • Brainstorming: to define concepts such as "Conflict", "Resources", "Problems", "Communication", "Empathy" or "Assertiveness".
  • Group Dynamic: different group dynamic will be used to explain the importance of communication during conflict resolution in the labour field.
  • Role-play: different role-plays are proposed to put into practice the acquired tools related to "assertive communication".
  • Practical Cases: different practical cases will be presented in which the debate will be encouraged, and specific proposals for the resolution of the conflict raised.
  • Self-registration technique will be used to identify problems and conflicts once the session is over. To analyse the frequency of conflicts, the type of problem and the techniques used for its resolution.

As a suggestion, it is recommended to apply the Problem-Based Learning methodology (PBL), in order to facilitate the pooling of the different topics worked during the unit.

For the application of these methodologies, the theory of multiple intelligences is contemplated (Gardner, 1992).

At all times, the person who directs the unit should facilitate the expression of the participants, encouraging debate, collecting contributions and moderating interventions.

7. References

de Santiago Nocito, A. M., de Santiago, E. G., Lledó, E. R., Barrio, L. E., & Martín, P. E. (2018). El análisis de incidentes críticos como método de aprendizaje. RIECS: Revista de Investigación y Educación en Ciencias de la Salud3(2), 46-49.

Elgoibar, P., Munduate, L., & Euwema, M. (2016). Building trust and constructive conflict management in organizations. In Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations (pp. 1-13). Springer, Cham.

European Union (2019). Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (pp.13 - 14).

Gardner, H. (1992). Multiple intelligences. Minnesota Center for Arts Education.

Martos, S. F. (2015). Técnicas de negociación. Ideaspropias Editorial SL.

Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R. M., & Wills, G. B. (2019). Importance-performance analysis-based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management44, 194-203.

Van Aken, J. E., & Berends, H. (2018). Problem solving in organizations. Cambridge University Press.

Wallensteen, P. (2018). Understanding conflict resolution. SAGE Publications Limited.

*All references mentioned are written in English, except for the case of “Técnicas de negociación” (Martos, 2015) and El análisis de incidentes críticos como método de aprendizaje (de Santiago Nocito, 2018).

8. Evaluation

The participants of the unit will complete an anonymous satisfaction questionnaire, in which socio-demographic data and multiple-choice questions will be collected to evaluate the impact of the sub-learning unit. A pre-post evaluation will be carried out to assess whether the contents worked on during the session have had a positive impact on the development of knowledge, skills and competences of the beneficiaries.

Self-registration technique will be used to identify problems and conflicts once the session is over. To analyse the frequency of conflicts, the type of problem and the techniques used for its resolution.

Likewise, a round of conclusions will be made in which the mediator will gather the impressions, interests, deficiencies and positive aspects offered during the sub-unit.



Sub-unit 2

1. Title of the sub-unit: PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Total duration: 12,5 hours

2. Objectives of the sub-unit:

  • To favour the understanding of the concept “entrepreneurship”, “team work”, “plan” and “project manager” within the labour field.
  • To give tips about how to plan an activity in the labour field
  • To favour the understanding of “project management” and “project management techniques” for business creation and / or self-branding.



3. Content

In order to be able to work with the contents related to "Project Management", orienting the training to "Entrepreneurial Skills", different fundamental contents will be considered:

1. Entrepreneurship

It is important to understand the concept of "entrepreneurship", its different dimensions, how does the new entrepreneurship add up, and its practical application for the social and labour inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers within the framework of the European Union.

2. Importance of Teamwork.

Teamworking offers more adaptability, creativity and productivity than any one individual can offer, while promoting satisfaction and staff retention. It is important to enhance the impact of the teamwork inside the labour and organizational field, as a reference for the self-branding and labour promotion of young migrant women, refugees or asylum seekers. In the workplace, workers must interact with the team, they should take group decisions, help other colleagues or delegate tasks. Trust, organization, respect and empathy, are ones of the important key terms to consider when working in a team. As well, it is important to know how to organize a team meeting.

3. How to create a plan.

For the develop of a plan related to labour tasks, it is important to identify the priority of the activities the worker should perform and should consider the time management. One of the best ways to understand and decide the priority of the activities / tasks at the workplace, is understanding the urgency and importance of each one, through the Urgent / Important Matrix: this is a simple and effective tool for prioritizing the list of tasks based on the level of urgency and importance of each activity.

Considering this, planning activities could be done through the ideal-typical decision model applied in the policy analysis tradition, which contains the following stages:

  • Formulation of goals and objectives
  • Identification and design of major alternatives.
  • Prediction of major sets of consequences that would be expected.
  • Evaluation of consequences.
  • Decision based on information provided in the preceding steps.
  • Implementation of this decision.
  • Feedback of actual program results.

4. Project Management.

Project management is planning, scheduling, and controlling of project activities to meet project objectives. For this, the project manager should follow different steps:

  • Define the problem. Identify the problem to be solve by the project.
  • Develop solution.
  • Plan the project.
  • Execute the plan.
  • Monitor and control progress.
  • Close the project.

To understand how to manage a project, it is important to have knowledge related to the Logical Framework Matrix: this matrix provides a set of designing tools that, when used creatively, can be used for planning, designing, implementing and evaluating projects. The Logical Framework Matrix provide a logical and structured approach to setting priorities and determining the results and activities of a project.  

4. Resources:

  1. Powerpoint presentation
  2. Whiteboard + whiteboards markets
  3. White paper
  4. Pens and pencils
  5. Computer
  6. Computer projector
  7. Audio-visual materials:

Good and Bad Teamwork.

Business Plan.

Introduction to Project Management.

  1. Classroom (30 square meters)
  2. 20 tables and chairs


5. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this earning unit the learner will be able to:



Autnonomy and Responsability

  • To define “entrepreneurship”
  • To list the different entrepreneurship dimensions
  • To recognise bad and good team work behaviour
  • To list different steps on an activity plan
  • To select resources


  • To analyse the urgent/importance of an activity
  • To draw up a Logical Framework Matrix
  • To prepare a team meeting
  • To use concepts related to “entrepreneurship”

To transfer knowledge to migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers


  • To take the initiative to create a plan
  • To decide on solutions
  • To ensure effective methodological approaches to promote social and labour inclusion of women migrant, refugees and asylum seekers through entrepreneurial skills


6. Methodological approach

As mentioned in the first sub-unit, with the aim of developing the sub-unit effectively, and encouraging the participation and acquisition of knowledge by professionals working with young migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers; the following techniques and methodologies described below will be used:

Ice breakers: before starting to develop the different contents exposed during the unit, different ice breakers will be carried out to facilitate group cohesion and participation. This is an important point, that professionals working with young women migrant, refugees and asylum seekers should consider.

The participants will be organized in heterogeneous groups (between 6 and 8 people), encouraging cooperative learning. This methodology favours group collaboration and teamwork during the presentation of the proposed theoretical and practical contents. 

During the session, the contents will be worked from a theoretical and practical framework, jointly. This helps not only to internalize the knowledge, but also to put it into practice during the sessions that are developed in the unit. Among the practical techniques:

  • Brainstorming: to define concepts such as "Teamwork", "Plan", "Project", "Project Management", "Urgent/Important".
  • Practical exercises: the participants will receive different exercises related with “Team work”, “Planning activities” and “Project Management”, “Create your own project” that they will complete during the sessions and after it.
  • Practical Cases: different practical cases will be presented in which the debate will be encouraged.
  • Debate: the trainer will facilitate the debate among the participants during the session, in order to encourage critical thinking and reflection of the contents exposed during the sub-unit.
  • Audio-visual material: different videos will be used to complement the explanations and contents worked on during the sub-unit.

For the application of these methodologies, the theory of multiple intelligences is contemplated (Gardner, 1992).

At all times, the person who directs the unit should facilitate the expression of the participants, encouraging debate, collecting contributions and moderating interventions

7. References

Dollinger, M. (2008). Entrepreneurship. Marsh Publications.

Gardner, H. (1992). Multiple intelligences. Minnesota Center for Arts Education.

Heagney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. Amacom.

Jackson, B. (1997). Designing projects and project evaluations using the logical framework approach. UCN Monitoring and Evaluation Inatiative, 26.

Mazza, L. (2017). Designing a domain for planning theory. In Explorations in planning theory (pp. 3-9). Routledge.

Vargas, S. A. V. (2018). La administración de lo urgente y lo importante en la empresa moderna. Revista Hojas y Hablas, (15), 133-142.

Xyrichis, A., & Ream, E. (2008). Teamwork: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing61(2), 232-241.

*All references mentioned are written in English, except for the case of “La administración de lo urgente y lo importante en la empresa moderna” (Vargas, 2018).

8. Evaluation

The participants of the unit will complete an anonymous satisfaction questionnaire, in which socio-demographic data and multiple-choice questions will be collected to evaluate the impact of the sub-learning unit. A pre-post evaluation will be carried out to assess whether the contents worked on during the session have had a positive impact on the development of knowledge, skills and competences of the beneficiaries.

Also, during the sessions and at home, the participants will complete different practical exercises which will be jointly corrected by the trainer, with the active collaboration of the groups.

Likewise, a round of conclusions will be made in which the mediator will gather the impressions, interests, deficiencies and positive aspects offered during the sub-unit.



