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Handbook & Toolbox for Professionals

Handbook & Toolbox for Professionals in Integral Intervention with Young Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Professionals working in the field of migration processes and the integration of vulnerable groups will now be able to take advantage of new and innovative Open Educational Resources for comprehensive social and labor intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees. The international team of the NO GAPS Project has created a "Handbook and tools for professionals for comprehensive intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees", which includes theoretical and practical content on the topics:

 - Career Counselling & Guidance

 - Life Plan

 - Intercultural Communication & Civic Competence

 - Gender Dimension

 - Intercultural communication & Civil Competence

The Handbook and Toolbox are the result of a pilot process in the four countries covered by the project - Austria, Bulgaria, Greece and Spain. In September-October 2020, the No Gaps teams met with professionals and young women asylum seekers and refugees to validate and refine the content. The professionals were social and youth workers, career counselors and activists experienced in working with vulnerable groups of women. After training the professionals, they were then tasked with presenting the Handbook to groups of women with a migrant background from the four countries and receiving feedback on the activities.

The aim was to develop and implement a training plan that defines and develops the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies so that professionals working with these women can implement a comprehensive social and work program with them and support their successful integration in new social and cultural contexts. In parallel, a framework for evaluating the results of the training program has been established based on the methodology and instruments of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

The Handbook & Toolbox for Professionals in Integral Intervention with Young Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees is also inspired by the innovative NO GAPS Database created by the NO GAPS project, which provides a comprehensive database of good practices, programs, policies, methodologies, pedagogical approaches and resources on the topics:  The recognition of previous competences; The socio-labor intervention based on individual needs that develops the professional qualifications of women asylum seekers and refugees, thus increases their prospects for finding a decent employment. The access to professional training as a key to guarantee a successful integration. The promotion of social inclusion.

The project "No Gaps - Transnational methodology for socio-labor intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees” (2018-2-ESO2-KA205-011654) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European union. The duration of the project is 24 months /01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020/.

The partnership consortium consists of five EU organizations – Guarani NGO (ES), Solidaridad sin Fronteras (ES), KEK IEKEP (GR), BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (AT), Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG).
