Digital Tools for Inclusion of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants Project (Digital Inclusion)
Language: English
Country: Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy
The European project ‘Digital Tools for Inclusion of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants’ aims to support Adult Education providers and public administrations to offer training opportunities so enhance the knowledge and skills of the target group. The main objectives are to strengthen the cooperation and networking between organisations from countries most affected by the refugee crisis, to test and implement innovative practices in the field of education and training of specific
target groups. An additional important goal is to promote and encourage the integration of refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants through enhancing their basic skills and key competences for achieving better social and labour inclusion in the European Community. The proposed action will promote and use the potential of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to provide digital access to education and training in the partner countries and abroad.
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