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Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school (E-EVALINTO)

Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school (E-EVALINTO)

Language: English

Country: Italy, Spain, Poland, Ireland, Cyprus

The project “E-EVALINTO” based its philosophy and structure in the notion of interculturality as a value of the European identity that can be enhanced in order to improve both basic and transversal skills. It aims to collect and manage through its ICT environment, each single experience and evaluation activity in order to improve collaboration among the differrent stakeholders in both prevention and intervention actions around ESL among students with a migrant background. This work will develop a huge knowledge base for future users, with permanently evolving activities, solutions and strategies to deal with intercultural issues. School and other educational administrators in particular at a local and regional level will be benefited by the use of the E-EVALINTO training material in the curriculum so as to involve teachers and students in the training programme. Policy makers and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to promote peer mentoring actions addressed to reduce early school leaving in migrant student population (secondary school) and to acknowledge the value of interculturality itself as part of an active and responsible European citizenship education.

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