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INTEGR8 – “Harnessing the potential of migrant women as integration experts”

INTEGR8 – “Harnessing the potential of migrant women as integration experts”

Language: English

Country: United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Austria

INTEGR8 will seek to develop a bespoke accredited ‘Migrant Integration Expert’ curriculum that is specifically addressed to migrant women. Consortium partners are of the opinion that integration will not be achieved by doing to migrant communities, or doing for migrant communities, but rather only by doing with migrant communities. They are also convinced that fostering the integration of migrant women can be best supported and achieved if integration programmes and initiatives are led by migrant women themselves. Empowering women within migrant communities by providing

accredited training and supporting them to develop a series of informal networks to promote social and civic integration among their peer group will ensure that the expected outcomes are achieved. The key desired outcome is a change in attitude and understanding within both the migrant community and the organisations that support them so that all implicated parties agree and accept that migrant women themselves, if appropriately trained and supported, are best placed to foster the integration of migrant women.

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