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“LIGHTHOUSE Supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility”

“LIGHTHOUSE Supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility”

Language: English

Country: Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus, Austria

LIGHTHOUSE focuses on the development of an innovative model for supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants – the LIGHTHOUSE - drawn from the combination of two successful frameworks: the Austrian model LOT-House (learning, orienting, trying-doing), developed by the Austrian project partner, BEST; and the wellestablished French system for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning. Based on the needs identified through a series of professional activities described in the State of the Art and on the intellectual outputs developed (www. lighthouseproject. eu/outputs/) this professional model is tailored, adaptable and transferable to an umbrella of entities. Migrant’s people are invited by the LIGHTHOUSE professionals to organise their individual LIGHTHOUSE path through some or all zones, according to their needs and personal goals.

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