Urbagri4women - “Innovative practices and joint urban initiatives to foster the integration of migrant women in the receiving society within urban agriculture practices”
Language: English
Country: Italy, Portugal, France, Cyprus, United Kingdom Greece, Austria
Urbagri4women aims to foster the integration of migrant women, including asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in the host society, enabling them to develop innovative andsubsistence agricultural initiatives that contribute to urban rehabilitation. Urbagri4Women promotes social inclusion and female empowerment through the rehabilitation of urban outskirts, currently in a situation of abandonment or decay, where the practice of urban agriculture is applied through practical laboratories that aim to foster intercultural dialogue and more sustainable cities and communities. Urbagri4women adopts a methodological approach based on migrant women
integration experiments within Urban Agriculture Labs (UALs), supported by transnational knowledge sharing and capacity building and consisting in innovative concrete actions for promoting intercultural dialogue and a culture of welcoming communities, with the involvement of public administrations, social partners, migrant organisations and other relevant stakeholders.
Resorse type Webpage: www.mediazone.pt/urbagri/