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Us&Them: Dialog, tolerance, collaboration for good coexistence in a multicultural world

Us&Them: Dialog, tolerance, collaboration for good coexistence in a multicultural world

Language: English

Country: Romania, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom

The project “Us” & “Them” based its philosophy and structure in the multicultural situation

that exists in many countries across the world today. More specifically, the world that we live in consists of many ethnicities, cultures and religions. What is more, concerning the European context, each European country hosts national and immigrant ethnic and cultural minorities. The “Us” and “Them” project is addressed to educators working in the field of adult education in multicultural communities and aims to strengthen the development of a new set of skills and competences. In this regard, the project aims to develop soft skills in socio-cultural conflict management and intercultural skills to adapt the learning environment to various cultures and backgrounds and to create positive attitudes toward language, cultural and ethnic diversity. These skills will enable adult educators to better manage their groups of adult learners in order to support the process of integration

in nowadays multicultural societies.

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